Civil engineering water and waste water engineering nptel. So, thank you for joining and see you in the next class. I thank you for joining this was the introductory sort of material about the course in general and about the wastewater treatment recycling aspects next week. Wastewater treatment lecture notes ctb336514 tu delft. Sewage originated from the residential buildings comes under this category. Disposal of wastes and wastewater without treatment is no longer an option. This international version is comprised by six textbooks giving a stateoftheart presentation of the science and technology of biological wastewater treatment. Last few classes we were discussing about the wastewater treatment by aerobic. Topics include preliminary treatment, sedimentation, biological treatment, nutrient removal, disinfection, and sludge treatment. Advanced treatment 5% clarifiers 5% disinfection 6% laboratory 10% maintenance 5% preliminary treatment 5% safety 6% solids handling 3% note. Fluidized bed reactor is widely applied in many industries for various applications recently. The principle role of screening is to remove coarse materials from the flow stream that could.
Fundamentals of wastewater treatment and engineering. The raw or treated water is analysed by testing their physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics. These books are used by students of top universities, institutes and colleges. A trickling filter consists of a substrate rocks or other material on which cells can grow and over which the pretreated sewage is sprayed. Wastewater laboratory basics illinois water environment. The country has a vast system of collection sewers, pumping stations, and treatment plants. Chapter 4 sludge conditioning sludge conditioning is a process whereby sludge solids are treated with chemicals or various other means to prepare the sludge for dewatering processes, in other words, to improve dewatering characteristics of the sludge. Nptel notes pdf civil engineering 105 courses in pdf. It is a term used to indicate the human and animal excreta. The particular situation determines the most applicable process design. The extent of treatment required to be given depends not only upon the characteristics and quality of the sewage but also upon the source of disposal, its quality and capacity to tolerate the impurities present in the sewage effluents without itself getting potentially polluted. Basic design of a fluidized bed reactor for wastewater. This book is divided into eight chapters and begins with a summary of the theory involved in the specific process, such as chemical kinetics and material.
The text introduces readers to the basic concepts of the technology of municipal water processing, water distribution, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, and sludge disposal. Physical unit processes for waste water treatment introduction to microbiology microbiology wastewater treatment reactor analysis biological unit processesactivated sludge process activated sludge process modifications activated sludge process aeration. For the first half of the 20th century, pollution in the nations urban waterways resulted in frequent occurrences of low. Other than material loss, corrosion interferes with human safety, disrupts industrial operations and poses danger to environment. Wastewater treatment processes wastewater treatment processes the end the end result is based upon your design existing systems need upgrades to meet new. Suspended growth biological treatment processes 81 9. The spraying action creates contact between bod in sewage, oxygen in the air and cells on. From this lecture onwards, we will pick the specific units and have discussion onto that and we are going to start with the very first unit which is used is screening.
Effluent treatment plant al ain slaughterhouses pdf effluent treatment plant al ain poultry pdf effluent treatment plant iffco edible oil pdf. The primary treated wastewater from the industrial plant is generally discharged into the public sewer where it is mixed with domestic wastewater. This manual gives you water distribution network designs and water treatments unit. Discharge of the wastes into the municipal sewers for combined treatment. Wastewater management therefore means handling wastewater to protect the environment to ensure public health, economic, social and poli tical soundness metcalf and eddy, 1991. David stensel please email me solutions manual for wastewater engineering treatment and resource recovery by metcalf and eddy 5th edition. Today we will start the anaerobic wastewater treatment processes. The extent of treatment required to be given depends not only upon the characteristics and quality of the sewage but also upon the source of disposal, its quality and capacity to tolerate the impurities present in the sewage effluents without itself getting. The biological wastewater treatment series is based on the book biological wastewater treatment in warm climate regions and on a highly acclaimed set of best selling textbooks.
Manoj kumar tiwari school of water resources indian institute of technology, kharagpur lecture 24 wastewater treatment units. The obvious economic advantage, both in terms of capital investment and. The average values of chemical oxygen demand cod and. Industrial wastewater treatment video lecture by prof b. The purpose and fundamentals of wastewater treatment 1 2 3 figure 1. Using coagulation and aeration with sedimentation as secondary or biological treatment improved the effluent quality. Principles and recent trends in biological wastewater. Industrial wastewater treatment is any process that separates and removes contaminants from industrial process waters, or effluent. Most galvano companies generate wastewater containing metal ions. By the use of coagulation and flocculation these ions can be precipitated and settled in a sedimentation tank or filtrated through sand filters. Wastewater treatment in the dairy processing industry recovering energy using anaerobic technology research pdf available march 2016 with 5,238 reads how we measure reads. In urban areas for domestic and industrial uses the source of water is generally reservoir, river, lake, and wells. Hello, everyone and welcome to this second lecture of course wastewater.
Pdf waste water management environmental engineering. Biological wastewater treatment principles general overview natural receiving waters including rivers, streams, and tidal areas sustain a background population of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and algae. Biological wastewater treatment is very widely used for removal of biodegradable materials from wastewater. Traditional method of treatment a treatability study of textile wastewater by traditional method using coagulation by adding polyelectrolytes 1. Filling the need for a textbook focused on wastewater, it first covers history. Station depuration number of assessments number of assessments revealing compliance compliance rate wastewater treatment facility compliance % wastewater treatment. Most treatment plants were built to clean wastewater for discharge into streams. It has been found promising to use fluidized bed reactor for water treatment procedures. The wastewater treatment lectures are designed to provide insight into the processes and techniques that are applied in the wastewater treatment fi eld, where the focus is laid on the basic principles, local conditions, basic circumstances and performance processes.
Fundamentals of wastewater treatment and engineering introduces readers to the essential concepts of wastewater treatment, as well as the engineering design of unit processes for the sustainable treatment of municipal wastewater. Industrial waste water treatment pdf notes smartzworld. An in tro duction to sedimen tation theory w astew ater treatmen t bengt carlsson systems and con trol group uppsala univ ersit y no v 96, rev okt 98 abstract this material is made for the course \w. This treatment is achieved in tanks called aeration tanks. All of the components shown here may not be present in every preliminary treatment. Separate treatment of the industrial wastes before discharging the same into the water bodies. These contaminants include oils, dissolved heavy metals, suspended solids and organic compounds. It is a type of waste water treatment in which microorganisms such as bacteria are used to remove pollutants from waste water through biochemical reaction. It also requires more space compared to so me other technologies and has potential for odour and filter flies nptel, 2010. The two factories discharge their wastewater into the public sewerage network. And the last couple of lectures we did talk about the basic.
Sewage treatment technical note introduction rivers constitute a major source of water in most countries of the world for both domestic and industrial purposes. Some of the suspended and colloidal matter can also be removed indirectly by sticking to the slime bacteria. As a part of this cooperation stanislaw rybicki had the possibility to stay four months in spring 1992 and one month in july 1996 as a guest researcher at the royal institute of technology. Water and wastewater treatment water and wastewater treatment eduard g. Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. Sewage can be treated close to where it is created in septic tanks, biofilters or aerobic treatment systems, or collected and transported via a network of pipes and pump stations to a municipal treatment plant. Learning the chemistry behind the aerobic digestion process duration. Lecture 36 industrial wastewater treatment nptel waste. A number of different unit ope rations are used in varius configurations to make up an advanced wastewater treat ment system. Nptel notes pdf civil engineering 105 courses in pdf format useful for gate acoustics and daylighting in building nptel civil engineering notes pdf advanced foundation engineering nptel civil engineering notes pdf advanced geotechnical engineering nptel civil engineering notes pdf advanced hydraulics nptel civil engineering notes pdf advanced hydrology nptel. It is aerobic suspended growth biological wastewater treatment method in which dissolved organic and inorganic matter can be removed.
When the conventional treatment procedures failed to remove recalcitrant compounds in waste water, advanced. Understand the mechanics of wastewater treatment and how septic systems can threaten ground and surface water supplies 3. The results showed the wastewater discharged from the building and construction chemicals factory was highly contaminated with organic compounds. A common use of coagulation and flocculation for wastewater treatment is in the galvanic industry. Chapter 4 sludge conditioning marmara universitesi. So, what we call the waste water treatment systems or waste water treatment plant is not just a specific.
Thank you for joining and see you in the next class. For an additional 9 years he was a principal advisor to. Wastewater is defined as liquid derived from domestic sewage, industry that cant be discharged into lakes or streams due to heath. This course starts with a discussion of the biochemical oxygen demand that is created by biodegradable materials in water and the reason why such materials must be removed from wastewater. Pdf a performance indicators system for urban wastewater.
An introduction to secondary wastewater treatment j. Introduction to wastewater treatment processes 1st edition. Waste water treatment, water purification and waterborne microbial diseases. After use, the water eventually returns to the river or is discharged out to sea, typical dry weather flow can be as high as 500 litres per person per day. Our treatment products contain specially selected enzymes andor bacteria strains that start acting quickly to degrade organic waste, reduce odors, and improve system efficiency over. Activated sludge treatment process concept and system. Wastewater treatment for pathogen removal and nutrient conservation.
Goals for wastewater treatment are evolvin g how do we implement our infrastructure. Wastewater flowrates and constituent loadings 31 4. Physical, chemical and biological methods 1 lecture domestic wastewater treatment. So, earlier class, this week, we did talk about the basic concept of wastewater treatment.
The wastewater treatment processes that occur in anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds are described in detail in section 3 of the design manual for wsps in india see. So this week we have been talking about some of the wastewater treatment systems as a whole. Overview and background congressional research service 1 introduction waste discharges from municipal sewage treatment plants into rivers and streams, lakes, and estuaries and coastal waters are a significant source of water quality problems throughout the country. Out of this total water supplied, generally 60 to 80% contributes as a wastewater. Cee 451 water and wastewater treatment lecture 3 hours. Introduction to wastewater treatment processes considers various types of wastewater problems and the selection of proper mode of treatment, as well as the design of the equipment required. Most leaders dont even know the game theyre in simon sinek at live2lead 2016 duration. Bs murty department of civil engineering, iit madras. Activated sludge treatment process concept and system design dr. It is the wastewater generated from the lavatory basins, urinals and.
Water treatment the raw sewage must be treated before it is discharged into the river stream. This book provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and equations that underlie the engineering processes in wastewater treatment. Paul guyer is a registered mechanical engineer, civil engineer, fire protection engineer and architect with over 35 years experience in the design of buildings and related infrastructure. Wastewater treatment for pathogen removal and nutrient. Primer for municipal wastewater treatment systems the need for wastewater treatment wastewater treatment is needed so that we can use our rivers and streams for fishing, swimming and drinking water. These organisms require energy for respiration and organic carbon food sources in order to. Lecture notes water and wastewater treatment engineering. These percentages are approximate operation of wastewater treatment plants volume i chapter 3 wastewater treatment facilities chapter 4 racks, screens, comminutors, and grit removal.
Industrial waste water treatment notes pdf iwwt notes pdf details unit3 sludge lagooning,removal of onganic dissolved solid,lagooning,phosphorus removal,phosphorous in wastewater,orthophosphates,enhanced biological phosphorus removal,physical treatment. Sewers collect the wastewater from homes, businesses, and many industries, and deliver it to plants for treatment. If you have a look at the design criterias, so there is as per the cpheo manual. The main idea behind this series is the subdivision of the original book into smaller books, which could be more easily purchased and used. Barnard wastewater pathogens what is in there safety. Principles and recent trends in biological wastewater treatment technology team ekansai gec technical coordinator chuzo nishizaki. Techniques for waste water treatment depending upon the size or the volume of wastewater from an industry, the technique to be employed changes. The sequence of treatment processes through which wastewater passes is usually characterized as. Tertiary treatment this discussion is an introduction to advanced treatment methods and processes.
The analysis was directed towards environmentally sound water and wastewater management, including wastewater volume reduction and recycling and maintained a strong focus on distributed water and. Introduction to waste water treatment waste water engineering. Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and. Gain familiarity with a range of technical and management options for addressing threats from wastewater contamination 4. Titles in the biological wastewater treatment series are. Wastewater treatment plant characteristics sequencing of unit operations and processes. Variation in quantity of water and wastewater 2 lectures water supplydistribution systems 2 lectures wastewater collection systems 2 lectures waterwastewater quality enhancement philosophy of treatment. Biological treatment is an important and integral part of any wastewater treatment plant that treats wastewater from either municipality or industry having soluble organic impurities or a mix of the two types of wastewater sources. How there are set of various unit operations and unit processes. Wastewater treatment in warm climate regions and on a highly acclaimed set of best selling textbooks. Wastewater laboratory basics sampling, ammonia, bod, chlorine residual, fecal coliform, ph, solids. Khamizov encyclopedia of life support systems eolss the theme considers modern demands, standards, and other requirements on the quality of drinking water, and water for industry and agriculture.
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